Monday, May 12, 2008

Useful websites for students - from class

Harvard Referencing - should you lose your Harvard Referencing handouts, go to the library website for more information:

Definitions of professional and hobbyist artists:

Australian Copyright Council:

Rocky Road Rena - Rena will be coming into class to speak to you soon! Do some research and look her up:

Arts Hub - for arts jobs and other opportunities

National Association for the Visual Arts - a.k.a NAVA (Australia)

Illustrators Australia - register online

Aquent - jobs for illustrators in the advertising industry
Here are the websites that were handed out earlier in the semester:

Wooster Collective – street and lowbrow art

Hi Fructose – amazing paintings, lowbrow art and illustration-style art updated regularly to coincide with their magazine

Monster Brains – a weird blog full of monsters ancient and new, medieval to modern in prints and scribes. Good inspiration for illustrators and a personal favourite!

The Comics Journal – NOTE: please use discretion with this website – some of the images may be barred from student use, according to their blog, so please be wary using this site.

Art Dorks – many of the Pop Surrealist artists that were on here have now migrated onto MySpace, however Brendan Danielsson’s site is well worth a look for the graphic-style artist

Frieze – with a podcast and archives of previous publications from their magazine
Arts Law Australia – the most up to date information for artists, including copyright, classification and censorship, trademarks, contracts, etc. Free advice for artists in a pickle.

Artchive – biographical information on hundreds of artists and eras ranging from the Renaissance to modern eras with theory and criticisms on individual works.

Timeline of Art History – The Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art – one of the best art history websites ever published on the internet – from BC to AD

Arts Journal – Daily Art News

Drawn – Drawn! “is a collaborative weblog for illustrators, artists, cartoonists, and anyone who likes to draw. Visit us daily for a dose of links and creative inspiration.”

Flight Comics

Start Drawing – Asian drawing collective – billions of artists!

We make money not art – HEAPS on the contemporary global art scene, including
sound art and more:

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