Monday, June 2, 2008

Organisation Investigation links

Wardlow residency - Fitzroy 

Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces

NASAA - National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (US)

Illustrators Australia

Blindside (Swanston Street, Melbourne)

Seth Fisher (1972 - 2006)

'War: The Prints of Otto Dix' at the National Gallery of Victoria - 12th of April - 10th of August 2008


Robert Raynor Gallery
Ground Level

"I did not paint war pictures in order to prevent war.  I would never have been so arrogant.  I painted them to exorcise the experience of war.  All art is about exorcism." - Otto Dix

Monday, May 19, 2008

Australian Graphic Design Association & Design Festival (Melbourne)

AGDA - includes jobs, classifieds and other forms of support for graphic designers in Australia.

State of Design Festival (Melbourne) - Victoria's Design Festival
16 - 18 July 2008

New websites for concept, digital and design

Concept Art: Download videos and take tutorials in concept art!

CG Talk: Society of Digital Artists

Deviant Art: Lowbrow arts community - worldwide

Paper Bag competition (Shepard Faery) 'Bag Design by Studio Number'
The TED696 Project is a collaboration between artists and Tooheys Extra Dry to launch the new 696mL longneck.  Studio Number One/Shepard Fairey, Luca and DMOTE have each been commissioned to design a limited edition brown paper bag.

Check out the work showcased online.  For the first time you also have the opportunity to use longneck bags as a design canvas  Your work will be judged by leading international designers, and could go on to be prized, published, exhibited and reproduced.  Visit the website for more details and get busy.

Entries close the 1st of June 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Here we go - starting with illustrators!!!

CLICK on any of the images to enlarge or click on the name of the artist for more information.


Below: Keith Thompson

Below: Example of medical illustration

Below: Richard Dadd

Below: Alphonse Mucha